Stage 1 Web Searchers
What can hurt possums?
Possums are territorial.
Territorial means they don’t like other animals coming into the area where they live.
They will wee in their area to tell other animals to stay away.
Possums are usually shy and not aggressive. They will stare at each other with pointy ears to defend their territory.
Do you think you could win a staring competition with a possum?
If they are trapped possums will defend themselves by hurting other animals or people who are in their way.
Some predators or things that might hurt or kill possums are the powerful owl, dingoes, bushfires and not getting enough food.
No food
Powerful Owl
This possum has burnt her feet and tail in a bushfire.
Oh, poor possum.
Lots of wild animals are hurt when they are trapped by a bushfire.
Possums telling each other to stay out of their territory.